Sunrise Practice


This class is currently not open.

A positive start to your day will maximise the chance that your whole day will be more positive.

By beginning your day with moving and warming the body, followed by meditation or sitting quietly, you will be amazed how much the practice puts a spring into your step. You will leave feeling refreshed and ready to face your day.

The intent of the Sunrise Practice is to also help you in developing your own  “personal yoga time” as many students find it difficult to start or keep up the momentum of a yoga practice on their own.

Holidays May 2007 040We all have varying reasons that make it difficult to start our own practice.
So if it is: an apparent lack of physical space, family demands, needing to still be part of a group, not having the time-discipline for your own needs, or any other reason that is stopping you, this practice time is worth doing to create that yoga habit to take home.

The Sunrise Practice is on Wednesday morning from 6.30 to 7.30am. 

Edited 1/01/23